My publications

I have considerable experience in teaching and training systemic theories and skills as I have been teaching since 2008. I am currently a visiting lecturer for the Tavistock, teaching on the Foundation and Intermediate course in Brighton. I am also a lecturer and tutor with Frontline, a social work training organisation, which is training social workers in the whole UK.

Prior to this I was a lecturer and tutor at the Institute of Family Therapy, London, for four years teaching for the Graduate Certificate in Systemic Practice, between 2008 and 2013. I also taught the Foundation Course for a social care agency based in London through the Tavistock in 2014.

I have delivered several systemic workshops in Jersey for the local Association of Family Therapy on systemic theories and skills between 2015-2018 which helped to create interest in systemic practice and led to establishing the foundation Course now offered by the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust. I have developed a tailor-made training programme in systemic practice for children’s homes in East Sussex and fostering agencies.

I am passionate about systemic ideas and creativity and I love writing. Over the years I have published several papers on the national Family Therapy magazine, Context,  in Human Systems and Murmurations, as follows:

Publications Journal/Year
Muddles and struggles of a trainee researching race and culture: implications for family therapy training Context, 97

(June 2008)

My journey across systemic training: from ugly duckling to elegant swan Context December 2009
There is no such a thing as the perfect question Context April 2011
A training tutorial on solution-focused therapy: a forum of voices sharing their reflections Context February 2012
Working systemically with groups  Context 121 June 2012
A troubled family therapist undercover: Some reflections on working with ‘troubled families’ in a statutory agency Context February 2014
Ethical dilemmas and challenges of a supervision group in a statutory service Context August 2014
Through the haziness of what is systemic: a critical self-reflective question Context December  2015
Dominant discourses about change and the impact of restructuring on power relations in public services in UK. Human systems: the journal of therapy, consultation and training 2016, vol 26(2): 221-238
Migration as intergenerational emotional homelessness: a personal story Human systems: the journal of therapy, consultation and training 2016 vol 27(3): 289-294
Un-professional hug Context October 2018
My English professional self lost in translation with an Italian client

Murmurations, 2018,

vol 1(2)

The FUN Multi-group Family therapy project Context February 2019
Being systemic as a way of life: reflections on a trip to China

Murmurations, 2019,

vol 2(1)

I have also presented at national and international conferences on a variety of topics as follows:

Conference Title of presentation Place


International Conference on Bridging the gap between Science and Art From biological systems to human systems: art as a language to expand therapeutic possibilities. Sirolo (Ancona) Italy

May 2014

International conference on Social Services in Europe  A systemic analysis of key dominant discourses about change and the impact of restructuring processes on power relations in a statutory child protection agency in UK Bratislava, November 2014
SEPAN (South East Post Adoption Network) Conference on Adoption disruption The NVR approach to child to parent violence and a pilot project with adoptive families in East Sussex London, November 2014
First National conference on NVR (Non-violent Resistance) Approach Successes, Failures and unexpected outcomes: a case study on NVR with an adoptive family London, November 2014
Association of Family Therapy National conference Workshop on being a political activist Canterbury, September 2015
Association of Family Therapy National conference Workshop on “Kiting in the park: working creatively with adoptive families” Dunblane Scotland, September 2017
European Association of Family Therapy International conference Workshop 1: Taking therapy outdoor: a pilot project

Workshop 2: Working in people’s homes: the reversed ethics of hospitality

Naples,Italy September 2019

My publications

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